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GASL Board

President 2024/2025
Prof. Dr. Percy A. Knolle
Director Institute of Molecular Immunology,
Hospital of München rechts der Isar


Scientific Secretary 2023 – 2025
PD Dr. med. Monika Rau
Division of Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine II,
University Hospital Würzburg

Program Committee 2025

Dr. med. Thomas Albrecht
Institute of Pathology,
University Hospital Heidelberg

Dr. med. Najib Ben Khaled
Department of Medicine II, 
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

PD Dr. Dominik Bettinger
Clinic for Internal Medicine II,
University Hospital Freiburg

PD Dr. Dr. Daniel Hartmann
Department of Surgery,
Technical University of Munich
Clinic on the right of the Isar

Dr. Maike Hofmann
University Hospital Freiburg

Dr. rer. nat. Maria Reich
Department of Gastroenterology,
Hepatology and Infectious Diseases
University Hospital Magdeburg