About GASL
Dear Colleagues,
welcome to the website for the German Association for the Study of the Liver (GASL).
GASL is an association of scientists from various disciplines in German-speaking countries who deal with hepatological issues. Our main goals are to inform each other about ongoing or planned scientific projects, to plan joint scientific projects and to discuss scientific data. Promoting young scientists is particularly important to us.
We have been organizing an Annual Conference since 1985, which offers the ideal setting for this.
We look forward to welcoming you to the next annual meeting on February 14th and 15th, 2025!
The official Registration and Submission of the Abstracts for the GASL 2025 will start on the 15th July in 2024!
Your GASL board
Prof. Dr. Percy A. Knolle (President 2024/2025)
PD Dr. med. Monika Rau (Scientific secretary 2023 – 2025)